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CBA will plead guilty of miss selling CCI

Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) says it will plead guilty to 30 criminal charges filed by the corporate regulator alleging the business mis-sold consumer credit insurance (CCI) products between 2011 and 2015. Last week the Australian Securities and Investments...

Mutuals Are No Longer Selling CCI As At September 2020

Credit unions, mutual banks and mutual building societies have stopped selling consumer credit insurance (CCI) products since September last year, according to the Customer Owned Banking Code Compliance Committee. The committee says a follow-up inquiry it conducted...
Hayne Royal Commission

Hayne Royal Commission

The Commissioner, the Honourable Kenneth Hayne AC QC, submitted his Final Report of the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry on 1 February 2019. ICA supports the Hayne recommendations The Insurance Council...